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How do you talk to vending machine about spotting?

Writer: Zhongda vending machines Time:2022-10-25 17:23 Browse:

For many operators or friends who want to start a business, now is a good time to cut into the vending machine market. So how do you talk about vending machines in terms of points of sale? This determines the profitability of the vending machine and is undoubtedly a problem that everyone is anxious to solve. So how do you talk to a shopping centre or school about placing vending machines and what are the points to look out for when choosing a location?

How do you talk to a vending machine about spotting?

First of all, we need to understand what techniques there are to find points.

1, Make full use of the Internet.
Now is the era of the Internet, want to take the point, must first know where there are resources. By looking up the bidding information released on the Internet, there will often be unexpected gains. For example, universities, large enterprises and other points, if you need vending machines, there will be a tender plan, smart friends can go directly to the relevant website to find the relevant information.

2, Mobilize the resources around you.

To do business, connections are most important. In fact, a lot of business through a friend’s matchmaking, both labor-saving and reliable, solve the problem of trust, it is half the success! Operation of vending machines in the time to talk about the point, to give full play to the “six degrees of human resources” theory, dig around the resources of friends, layer by layer to follow up, there will always be “coincidentally” a few related industry bigwigs, will use human resources, twice the effort with half the effort.

3, Run business by yourself.

his is in the absence of any resources to support, only their own diligence, more out of business. The key to this process is to find the right people, find the right entry point and conduct business negotiations. If the other party really has a need and can get a reasonable return, generally are able to negotiate down.

How do you talk to vending machine about spotting?

How do you negotiate with a shopping centre about placing vending machines?

The above three points are only general ideas, but there are many details that need to be controlled in order to negotiate a good business. For example: how to talk to the mall about placing vending machines? In order to get the vending machine space, you need to think from the point of view of the owner of the space. So, why should the point owner give you the point and not some other competitor?

1.Negotiate a good share of the benefits. What benefits can you bring to others? The nature of business is an exchange of equivalence, the other party provides you with points, you have to provide others with revenue, to put it simply is the share. There are generally two ways to do this: a fixed income or a share of the points based on sales. Whichever way you do it, you need to make the other party feel comfortable and profitable. What you need to control further in this process is how to make your vending machine earn more money and ensure that both parties make money. And this involves point analysis.

2.Do a good vending machine point of sale analysis. In shopping malls, for example, it is important to analyse the flow of people, the level of competition, the suitability of the surrounding environment, the main target group and the type of products to be sold, and a range of other details.

How do you talk to vending machine about spotting?

This article is a simple analysis of how to talk about vending machines and how to talk to shopping centres about placing vending machines, providing some simple ideas. In fact, vending machine points to talk about how the situation is still relatively complex, the specific circumstances require specific analysis, and talk about the points, make money is also a matter of water.

You are welcome to ask us about Smart Vending Machine related sales.


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